We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Today in Trump Derangement Syndrome

31st December 2019

David Horowitz to Newsmax TV: Dems Fuel Hate, Not Trump

Trump The Terrible: The Left’s Boogeyman

Fired Anti-Trump Agent Strzok Claims FBI, DOJ Violated His Free Speech, Privacy Rights

MSNBC Dubs Pompeo’s Ukraine Trip ‘Peak Awkwardness’ and ‘Tone Deaf’

CNN’s Poppy Harlow Slips Snide Merrick Garland Shot Into Impeachment Trial Talk  I find it hard to take seriously anybody who goes by “Poppy”.

Tulsi Gabbard Defends ‘Present’ Vote; Warns Impeachment Will Backfire

‘Active Threats On The House Floor’: Matt Gaetz Says Democrats Were Forced To Get In Line On Impeachment

Surprise: John Durham Is Investigating Deep State Coup Plotter John Brennan, and Other Deep State Coup Supporters Are “Concerned”

New Poll Shows Trump Leading Top Democrats In Solid Blue State

New Zogby Poll Shows Trump Beating All Dem Candidates

Poll Confirms What You Already Suspected: The Fake Impeachment Is Electoral Poison

NYT Claims ‘2019 The Darkest Yet For Journalists’ Under The Trump Administration  Perhaps if they stopped being shitheads it would get better for them.

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