We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Today in Trump Derangement Syndrome

30th December 2019

NY Times’ Kakutani: 2010s a ‘Dark and Divisive New Era’ Because of Dangerous Trump

The Genealogy of Free Stuff: The Trump Card

Trump’s pardon of Gallagher just got even more appalling Washington Post.

WashPost’s Ignatius Spins Biden Subpoena Flip-Flop as a ‘Positive’ Compared to Trump  Yeah, who wants a politician who doesn’t respond to pressure?

Democrats Rush To Blame Trump For Anti-Semitic New York Attacks

Bill DeBlasio: Trump Is Responsible For All These Attacks on Jews Committed by White Supremacists of Color (WSOCs)

Donald Trump And Barack Obama Tie For America’s Most Admired Man

MSNBC Host Prods Governor Cuomo to Blame TRUMP for Anti-Semitic Hate Crimes

NYT Journo Implies Conservative Media Made Black Man Stab Hasidic Jews  Anther NPC.

Fat Media Liberal Chuck Todd: Christians Believe In Fairy Tales So Of Course They’d Support Trump

Trump’s Impeachment and the Varieties of Presidential Corruption  National Review is now part of the Resistance.

Here’s How Impeachment Obsession Is Allowing Big Tech To Build A China-Like Surveillance State

Poll: More Black Voters Look to Election to Defeat Trump

Joe Biden Suggests Coal Miners Should Learn To Code


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