We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Blue-Check SJWs Freak Out After NY Mayor Announces Protection for Jews

28th December 2019

The Other McCain has the scoop.

Remember the deadly Dec. 10 attack just across the river in Jersey City, which was connected to the Black Hebrew Israelites cult. This followed months of reports of anti-Semitic harassment in New York perpetrated by black teenagers. Because the suspects were “people of color” (POC), these hate crimes were an embarrassment to the Left, which wants to blame Trump for increasing anti-Semitism. This is why the national news media, which goes into 24/7 coverage mode over any “hate crime” that can be blamed on right-wingers, politely ignored the increasing reports of black hoodlums harassing Jews in New York City. The progressive SJW backlash against De Blasio’s announcement was predictable.

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