We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Today in Trump Derangement Syndrome

17th December 2019

Variety Slams Eastwood’s ‘Richard Jewell:’ ‘Piggybacks on Trump’s Demagoguery’

Liberal Loons: CNN Entertains WILD Conspiracy Theory About Impeachment

Carly Fiorina: ‘Trump Should Be Impeached But Not Removed, And I Might Vote For Him In 2020’  Unclear on the concept.

NY Times Can’t Handle the Truth: ‘Trump Has Weaponized Inspector General’

MSNBC Sounds the Alarm Over Trump’s Judicial Appointments  Late to the party.

Can Democrats Read Minds?  I don’t think so.

Robert De Niro Takes Swipe At Trump’s Kids: ‘I Would Disown Them’  I suspect they would disown him first.

Supreme Court ruling pulls rug out from under article of impeachment

The Never-Ending Impeachment

New Yorker Writer Horrified ‘Reasonable People Can Disagree’ on Trump Impeachment

Nets Spike Comey Conceding FBI Deceived to Get Spy Warrants for Page

Impeachment Is The Only Election Strategy Democrats Have

Maxine Waters Spins Trump-Putin Conspiracy But Doesn’t ‘Have The Facts To Prove It’

Impeachment Circus Update

Surprise! George Conway, Steve Schmidt, and John Weaver Have All Previously Renounced Their Republican Party Membership (At Least Once Each!); But Of Course Now All Claim, In the NYT, to be “Republicans” Who Favor Impeachment

Joy Behar Claims McConnell Doesn’t Want The Truth: ‘He Knows That Trump Is Guilty’

NBC & ABC Hail Dems ‘Putting Principle Before Politics’ on Impeachment  Scott Adams is fond of saying that the Lamestream Media are the tail wagging the Democrat dog.

FISA Judge Blasts FBI For Providing False Information To Wiretap Carter Page  Nevertheless, nobody will get fired and nobody will go to jail.

FLASHBACK: CNN’s Cillizza Lectured Trump on Being Wrong on Carter Page FISA Warrant  As he likes to do.

CNN’s Chris Cuomo: It’s Not Christian to Defend Trump  As if Fredo knows anything about being a Christian.


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