We have seen the future, and it sucks.

More Evidence Of Pay-To-Play Emerges In CA Concealed Carry Probe

15th December 2019

Read it.

For several months now, the Santa Clara District Attorney’s office has been investigating allegations that Laurie Smith, the Santa Clara County sheriff, has been engaged in the corrupt practice of granting concealed carry licenses to those who fork over cash for her campaign coffers.

The San Jose Mercury News has done a solid job of reporting on the ongoing investigation, and their latest report is a doozy. According to some recently released records from the sheriff’s office, it sure looks like Sheriff Smith and her staff have a policy that “favors those with power and influence”, as the paper puts it.

The key to Democrat Machine corruption is, as it always has been, favors by elected politicians in return for political support. For the Underclass this comes in the form of Free Stuff for votes; for the Upper Crust it comes in the form of cronyism for money, be it preference on getting pubic works deals or, as here, favors dependent on ‘who you know’.  Why it should come as a surprise that this logic operates as strongly in Blue State California as it does in New York, Detroit, or Chicago beggars belief.

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