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Planned Parenthood’s Lie About Maternal Deaths Makes the Post’s Pinocchios of the Year

13th December 2019

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At the Washington Post today, fact-checker Glenn Kessler has a roundup of the biggest Pinocchios of 2019, collecting the top 13 falsehoods that he fact-checked over the past year. Though Donald Trump dominates the list, one item is dedicated to Leana Wen, the former president of Planned Parenthood.

Shortly before Planned Parenthood’s board ousted her — displeased with her desire to focus more on expanding the group’s health-care services than on pro-abortion political activism — Wen was the feature of a Kessler fact-check and received four Pinocchios for her repeated claims that thousands of women died from botched abortions prior to 1973’s Supreme Court ruling in Roe v. Wade.

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