We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Today in Trump Derangement Syndrome

11th December 2019

Trump assaults facts to survive impeachment  CNN.

HILARIOUS: MSNBC Blames Fox News for Lack of Public Support for Impeachment The swine.

Matthews Hails ‘Boss’ Pelosi Sending Trump to ‘Infamy’; ‘Chilling’ If He Isn’t Removed

Lavrov Mocks Media Frenzy Over “Secrets” Exchanged During “Normal” Diplomatic Meeting With Trump

Democrats Won’t To Let Lack Of Evidence Stop Impeachment

How Democrats lost the Impeachment War — and probably 2020

Amazon: Trump photon-torpedoed our $10bn JEDI dream because he hates CEO Jeff Bezos  And who could blame him?

‘Are You People Insane?’: CNN’s Don Lemon Reacts To Trump Team’s Meme

CNN’s Chris Cuomo: House GOP ‘Ignored Their Oath’ By Voting Against Impeachment  Fredo is agitated.

Liberals Setting the Stage to Claim 2020 Election Results Illegitimate

Surprise! CNN and MSNBC, Which Have Covered Every Moment of the Fake Impeachment Hearings, Absolutely Refuse to Air the Horowitz Testimony

Joy Behar Upset Majority of Voters Not Backing Impeachment: Trump ‘Tactics’ Are Working!

Will Democrats Accept the Results of the 2020 Elections?

‘Blew This Story’: Even Liberal Writers Are Shredding The New York Times’ Reporting On Trump’s Anti-Semitism Executive Order

‘It’s Pretty Bad’: Michael Horowitz Sums Up FBI’s Surveillance Abuses Against Trump Aide

MSNBC Panel Dismisses Clinton Impeachment: Unlike Trump, He Didn’t Hurt America!  And, unlike Trump, he actually broke the law and abused his office.

Chuck Todd Fears Dems Not Politicizing Impeachment Enough, ‘Trying to Play By the Rules’


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