We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Jailbreak, British Style

1st December 2019

Read it.

(John Hinderaker)
It has been widely reported that Usman Khan, the London Bridge terrorist, was released from prison in December 2018 after serving half of the term to which he was sentenced in 2012. Khan was one of a group of nine jihadists who were arrested in 2010 for plotting to blow up the London Stock Exchange. They also contemplated “Mumbai-style” terrorist attacks, and one of the plotters had a hit list that included the names and addresses of the Dean of St Paul’s Cathedral, Boris Johnson (then Mayor of London), two rabbis–naturally–and the US Embassy in London.

The Daily Mail now reports that of the nine, only two are still in prison, while the remaining six were released, like Khan, well before their terms had been served. Their whereabouts are unknown.

Welcome to Londonistan. Be careful not to step in the diversity.

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