We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Ukrainian Mysteries

25th November 2019

ZMan scratches his head.

One of the puzzles to the impeachment stuff is why certain elements of the ruling class think this is a productive use of their time. The impeachment show put on by the Democrats last week struck most people as boring and weird. It was mostly a parade of people with funny sounding names babbling about insider baseball. There was also the fact that the guy appointed to be the master of ceremonies gives people the creeps. Adam Schiff looks like frog peeping through the ice. He is a very odd man.

One of the most telling arguments against democracy as a political system is a close examination of the sort of people that get elected to Congress. Any political system under which Sheila Jackson Lee or Alcee Hastings is chosen to take part in the creation of laws is obviously seriously defective.

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