We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Did Natasha Richardson Die from Socialized Medicine?

21st March 2009

Quite possibly.

The essence of “single payer” medicine is that no one other than the government is allowed to pay for medical care. Thus the term “single payer.” There are a few exceptions in Canada but, by and large, the more serious the ailment, the more stringent the ban. So, for example, if you want to be treated for cancer in Canada, you can not do so legally and any doctor or hospital that tries to charge you faces serious penalties, up to and including a prison sentence. In that sense, Canadian health care is one of the most totalitarian systems in the industrialized world and is far more extreme than the National Health Service of Britain.

And yet this is the system that Barry’s Boys (and Girls) want to establish in this country. Be afraid. Be very afraid.

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