We have seen the future, and it sucks.

It’s Lightbulb Liberation Day

7th September 2019

Read it.

The Department of Energy is putting down its guns and withdrawing troops in the war on the incandescent bulb that began in 2007. It’s pretty late in the day; the last factory to make them in the U.S. shut down in 2010. It’s hard to find them in a store, in which case: thank goodness for Amazon!

Still, the damage can be reversed. Our houses can again be warm and beautiful, and legally. You can turn on the lights in the morning and not have your eyes lacerated by blindingly fake electric “light.” As the Wall Street Journal summed up the current moment: “If you like old-fashioned incandescent light bulbs, you can keep buying them.”

God bless Trump.

2 Responses to “It’s Lightbulb Liberation Day”

  1. Craig Austin Says:

    They are 90 % efficient heating devices that give out light as a benefit.

  2. RealRick Says:

    The interesting thing is that the government wanted to force everyone to use fluorescent bulbs. LED technology has already rendered them antiques. The market works – and it works better without the government at the controls.