Why They Hate Us
7th August 2019
ZMan unpacks the zeitgeist.
It is conventional wisdom on certain parts of the Right that the anti-white animus we see on the Left is nothing but a practical solution to a political problem. For years, Steve Sailer has been pitching the idea that the Left has to keep its non-white auxiliaries focused on the evil white man. Otherwise they will notice they don’t like one another all that much and begin squabbling. The implication is the Left is not really anti-white. They just work that double-game for practical political consideration.
Nothing rallies the troops like an external enemy. This is why anti-semitism is always so popular with the hair-on-fire crowd, because Jews are always perceived as outsiders. That’s probably why Jews vote Democrat so readily, a desperate attempt to qualify as ‘us’ rather than ‘them’, although it never works.