We have seen the future, and it sucks.

The Consumer Trends That Destroyed Media’s Business Model

28th July 2019

Read it.

Like many, I was wrong about the subscription model for the news media. I thought that a possible scheme for subscriptions could be: one for national media, in the $12–20 a month range, another, less expensive ($5–$9/month) for local news, and the last one for specialized content, whether it is a business or a leisure publication.

I was wrong. Recent studies show that in most markets, not only is a small 10 percent slice of the readership is willing to pay for an online publication, but, on average, there is room for ONE, paid-for media subscription per consumer unit.

The migration to digital has put news content in direct competition with everything else. News, social, video-on-demand, games, are now fighting for spending allocation, and time spent.

An interesting analysis.

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