We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Today in Global Warming Hysteria

22nd July 2019

Aluminum Cans vs. Plastic Bottles: Which Is Worse for the Environment?

Cory Booker and Elizabeth Warren want to force cities to adopt YIMBY polices. Can they?

Geothermal ocean warming discussion thread

Climate Change Democracy Deniers Strike Again


One Response to “Today in Global Warming Hysteria”

  1. RealRick Says:

    Regarding aluminum vs. plastic:
    Aluminum cans are not just aluminum. The tops are a magnesium/aluminum allow, and the interior is coated with (gasp!) plastic. To recycle, the cans are melted and the plastic inside, any residue of the contents, and the inks on the outside are burned off. Then chlorine is pumped through the mix to remove the magnesium. This requires pollutant emissions, not to mention a lot of energy used to melt the aluminum.

    Plastic bottle recycling is discouraged because no one knows what to do with the plastic. Mothers will not buy milk for their children in recycled containers. Plastics could be burned for electric generation (after all, it’s basically polymerized oil), but most states won’t allow that.

    Recycling is not without environmental impacts, and recycling is made much, much more difficult because of political impacts.