How Bazelons Raise More Bazelons
30th June 2019
I’ve long noticed the peculiar fanaticism of the Bazelon legal dynasty to hatch ideas that raise the crime rate and get more black men murdered by other black men. There was David Bazelon, the most important judge in the country not on the Supreme Court during the Warren Court years. He was chief judge of the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals in Washington and often conspired with the Supreme Court’s svengali William Brennan to tee up cases for the Warren Court to help more than double the murder rate in America from 1964-1975. Among many other bad ideas, Judge Bazelon came up with the Temporary Insanity defense.
And there are his granddaughters Emily and Lara Bazelon, both beavering away to bring back the bad old days of high crime rates.