Today in Trump Derangement Syndrome
24th June 2019
Psychic News Network: Trump is acting out of character. Here’s why CNN is so amazingly successful in reading Trump’s mind that they just can’t resist doing it again.
Britain’s Version Of The Never-Trumpers May Bring Down The Government Over Brexit
Did Pelosi Con Trump For A Deportation Delay? I’m sure she tried.
Google Using AI To Meddle In 2020 Election, Prevent ‘Next Trump Situation’: Veritas
Here Are The ‘Red Flags’ Trump Officials Compiled On John Bolton
House Oversight Committee Threatens Kellyanne Conway With Subpoena
MSNBC’s Glaude: Trump Threatening Deporting Illegal Immigrants Is ‘Terroristic Gesture’
Project Veritas: Google Insider Says the “Neutral Platform” is Determined to “Prevent the Next Trump” Doesn’t sound very ‘neutral’ to me.
Google Exec Says Breaking Up Big Tech Will Not Prevent ‘The Next Trump Situation’
Election Manipulation: Google Preps to ‘Prevent Next Trump Situation’
Biden Rails Against Trump’s Immigration Policies: ‘A Wrecking Ball To Our Hemispheric Ties’
Sam Donaldson Pleads With John Kasich to Run Against Trump: ‘Don’t Be a Wuss!’ But Kasich IS a wuss. So is Donaldson, for that matter.
Soap Actress Crops Out Time Stamp To Blame Trump For ‘Torture’ That Happened Under Obama I suspect that actors think everybody is a stupid as they are.
VILE: Morning Joe Questions the Faith of ‘Pathetic’ Mike Pence For Border Crisis
‘Donald Trump Is a Serial Rapist,’ Celebs Jump on Dubious Allegations
MSNBC Host Devotes Half His Show to ‘Beautiful’ Rape Claims Against Trump