We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Republican Segregationists?

21st June 2019

Read it.

Democrats are locked into their all race, all the time narrative, in which they try to paint Republicans as villains. This is utterly ahistorical, of course: someone should remind these ignoramuses that the Ku Klux Klan was the militant arm of the Democratic Party, and that avowed segregationists populated the Democratic Party until very recently.

Segregationists like James Eastland and Herman Talmadge, whose racist credentials have never been challenged. Joe Biden bragged about his ability to be civil and get along with senators of all sorts, citing Eastland and Talmadge as examples. (Particularly weird was his praise for Eastland on the ground that he didn’t call Biden “boy.” I won’t try to untangle that one.) Biden’s riff prompted considerable blowback, and this from MSNBC, which described Eastland and Talmadge as Republicans:

Well, they were segregationists, therefore they HAD to be Republicans. That’s as obvious as Trump’s racism.

MSNBC did eventually correct, but one has to wonder about an alleged newsperson who doesn’t know that the Southern segregationists were Democrats. (Fun fact: Bull Connor was a member of the Democratic National Committee.)

The knowledge of history by the garden-variety proglodyte extends back about five years.

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