We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Annals of Government Medicine

7th April 2019

Read it.

Wow, you might think. That’s impressive! We keep hearing about long delays and antiquated care in the National Health Service, and here Jagger is able to get cutting-edge surgery in a matter of days!

Oops, never mind. Jagger flew to New York for the operation, a fact that his press representatives don’t seem eager to emphasize.

There are long lines of people from countries with ‘government=provided health care’ (Canada especially) trying to get treatment in U.S. hospitals and clinics.

I think it was Robert Conquest who said that everyone is a conservative about what he knows best. Likewise, the more you really care, the less wedded you are to liberal shibboleths. I need heart surgery? Goodbye, NHS. Some years ago, there was a woman who was a member of Canada’s Parliament. She was a fierce opponent of private medical care on the ground that the people should share health risks equally. Then she came down with a rare form of cancer. She was on the next airplane to the U.S.


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