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Experts Attempted to Explain Reddit’s Most Profound ‘Shower Thoughts’

30th March 2019

Read it.

Does it ever seem like some of your best ideas come to you while hot water is pouring over your head? Tell it to “Shower Thoughts.” This forum on Reddit is dedicated to discussing the most profound thoughts people have while washing up, and a group of experts just analyzed some of the best ones.

I have always attributed the creativity that comes with taking a shower to be a result of the relaxing effect of hot water.

Mira Showers, a UK-based shower maker, is the company behind the project. It sifted through about 2 million posts on the Shower Thoughts subreddit and sorted them into categories. As it turns out, most of them (28 percent) were about society, politics, or history. Philosophy and existentialism is the second largest category (comprising 20 percent of all thoughts), followed by pop culture, sports, and entertainment (17 percent).

Mine mostly revolve around Plotting Revenge.

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