We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Elizabeth Warren Comes Out in Support of a National Right-to-Repair Law

27th March 2019

Read it.

I should like to point out that this problem is the direct result of the bogus government-mandated monopoly on certain information under the guise of ‘intellectual property’. Once you decide that people providing you with information can dictate what you can do with it, they’re going to make sure they charge you out the wazoo to do ANYTHING with it.

This started with the oh-no-you-don’t-own-that-software-you-just-bought-you-just-have-a-license-to-use-it trick in the early days of consumer computation and, when that worked, they pushed the envelope for all that it was worth, to the point that people can now patent human genes merely because they happened to be the first to figure out how they work.

The Chinese realized early on that this was a scam and they’ve been ignoring it (to their profit) ever since. Smuggling (the fashionable tar-term is ‘piracy’, the historical tar-term is  ‘black market’) exists profitably when I can provide you with something illegally for less than the government will allow you to purchase it legally. The end-game here is Prohibition and the ‘war on drugs’. This is why Columbian narcos had warehouses of dollar bills being eaten by rats because they didn’t have anywhere else to put them.

One Response to “Elizabeth Warren Comes Out in Support of a National Right-to-Repair Law”

  1. Javelineer Says:

    This blog has the best stuff.

    Intellectual property is nonsense. No one owns ideas.

    Copyright narrowly construed and patents on actual physical things make a little bit of sense.

    And code should should be protected under copyright not patents.
