Trader Joe’s Is Making Its Packaging More Sustainable
5th March 2019
‘Sustainable’ is one of those words, like ‘vibrant’, that hipsters use when they want to compliment a person or a practice, whether or not it means anything or is even relevant. In this case, it’s even a title — the author is a ‘Sustainability Editor’, which makes no sense whatever. Apparently the qualifications for ‘Sustainability Editor’ include an affection for cauliflower gnocchi (you can hear the Virtue Signaling Pokemon Points rack up) and an ability to be annoyed by plastic. The fact that plastic represents a major advance in the art of preserving fresh and sanitary food is, apparently, So Fifteen Minutes Ago.
The entire article is an illustration of the sad fact that Progs Are Never Satisfied. No matter what one does, no matter how far over backward one bends to meet their unrealistic expectations, there is always something that one has failed to do, for which one can expect criticism. There is no point at which one will hear, ‘Okay, you’ve done what you can, this is good enough.’ Nothing is ever good enough,