We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Amy Harmon: Only 0.7% of Math Professors Are Black Due to Microaggressions! Reader: Coincidentally, Only 0.7% of Kids Who Score >=750 on Math SAT Are Black.

23rd February 2019

Steve Sailer turns over a rock.

Nobody questions the 0.7%, what we question is the ‘due to’ clause.  I got a 698 on the Math SAT and never deluded myself that I had the talent to be a Mathematics Professor.

The silliest idea peddled by proglodytes is the concept of ‘underrepresented’, which apparently proceeds from their assumption that every category of person is exactly equal to every other category of person, without any allowance for personal differences, and so if group A is X percent of the population then group A must be X percent of whatever (math professors, hockey players, bricklayers, whatever). By that metric, white people are ‘underrepresented’ on basketball and football teams, and women are ‘underrepresented’ in our prison population.

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