We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Tell It to the Saudis

22nd February 2019

Taki is delightfully dyspeptic today.

Apparently socialism is on its way, hence the partying as the Titanic begins to tilt. Let’s face it: There were millions of educated people who fell for communism even after the gulag and the show trials had become public knowledge. So why should they not fall for the lesser evil of socialism? As Orwell once observed, “There are some ideas so absurd that only an intellectual could believe them.” There is a new congresswoman in that place west from here who wants to abolish flying in order to save the planet. I’m all for it. First-class passage on a liner is much more fun than being squeezed inside a steel tube and being in close proximity with smelly but rich proles up front. Possibilities of shipboard romance flicker through my memory. Let’s get rid of airplanes, save the planet, and all find romance on the high seas.

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