We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Today in Trump Derangement Syndrome

21st February 2019

LGBT Magazine Accuses Trump Of Racism Over International Gay Rights Campaign  No pleasing some people.

Pelosi Urges Congress To Block Trump Emergency Declaration  Which, of course, it cannot do. Any bill or joint resolution would have to be signed by Trump, and that ain’t gonna happen. And the Democrats don’t have the necessary supermajority in the Senate to override such a veto. This is virtue-signaling straight up.

Trump panel to examine whether global warming affects national security will include climate change denier  They could have used the term ‘climate change skeptic’ but they had to say ‘climate change denier’ so that you wouldn’t mistake this for actual journalism.

Alec Baldwin ‘fears for his family’s safety’ following Donald Trump threat ‘Trump signals people, not necessarily what to do, but how to feel, and that’s the beginning’ Gee, you could say the same thing about CNN.

The UK should be ashamed of paving the way for Trump’s inhumane treatment of Hoda Muthana  Everything bad in the world is Trump’s fault.

Scarborough: ‘I Know’ Trump Undisturbed By Guardsman’s Planned Terror Killings  More anti-Trump #PsychicNewsNetwork. Amazing how these people read minds.

Bethany Mandel: Will Smollett Claim TDS As A Defense?

Elizabeth Warren: It’s ‘Terrible For Israel’ That The Nation-State Has Aligned With Trump  Yeah, moving the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem has done untold damage … untold by anybody, actually….

FEMA Denies That Trump Ever Issued An Order To Cut Off California’s Wildfire Aid

Scarborough Doubles Down, Says Trump ‘Supports’ Would-be Coast Guard Terrorist  How does CNN say it? … ‘without evidence’.

Hoda Muthana: Trump’s decision to deny Alabama woman re-entry to US after joining Isis is ‘mindset of authoritarian’, critics say  Critics also say he’s Hitler; they’re wrong about that, too.

Liberals didn’t believe Jussie Smollett because we’re stupid — we believed him because of what Trump has done to America

Tainted Deutsch Accuses Trump of ‘Racism,’ ‘Make America White Again’  Barack Obama is, of course, not an individual but a Platonic form of a Negro, so any criticism of him is ipso facto racism. Or something.


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