We have seen the future, and it sucks.

The Old Mulatto Elite

20th February 2009

Steve Sailer is eager to get with the new Attorney General’s program.

So, let’s talk about the Holder family’s racial background, which is pretty interesting, although he forgot to mention it during his big Black History Month speech to his new charges in the Department of Justice.

I’m sure he won’t mind us talking about his family’s race, since he just insisted that we all talk about race all month.

Be careful what you wish for, Eric.

Funny thing: Most of the “black” elite in the U.S. — Holder, Barack Obama, Colin Powell, Beyonce, Halle Berry, the Governor of New York whose name I can never remember — would pass the paper-bag-and-ruler test.

“Thou hypocrite, cast out first the beam out of thine own eye, and then shalt thou see clearly to pull out the mote that is in thy brother’s eye.” — Luke 6:42

One Response to “The Old Mulatto Elite”

  1. Cathy Says:

    So, if Eric Holder wants to have frank dialogs about race, does that mean we can ask if he’s “Black” enough?