We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Globalist responses to Japan and China

19th February 2009

Steve Sailer is always worth reading.

In Japan, “nationalist economics” is a serious, well-thought out philosophy that entails short run sacrifices for the long run general welfare. In the West, our elites have been trained to scoff at nationalist economics as mere mindless populism, but the best minds in Japan have developed an economic culture that’s perhaps too sophisticated for American economists and their fellow travelers in the punditry to understand.

The Chinese, in contrast, have followed the Taiwanese model of manufacturing anonymously under contract to Japanese and American brand names. They churn out stuff and let other countries’ companies sell it as their own. For the Chinese, it’s all about meeting minimum quality and cost parameters to get the next deal, not to build a reputation with the public for high quality. How many recognizable brand names have the Chinese created so far? There’s Lenovo, and then there’s …

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