We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Retired Anti-Gun Justice Reveals Attempts to Thwart Landmark Heller Decision

3rd December 2018

Read it.

Stevens was one of the liberal justices appointed to the Court by a RINO, in this case Gerald Ford.

Funny how you never see a Democrat appoint an conservative justice, or even one that ‘grows’ into a conservative over time as too many Republican-appointed justices when they turn left..

From Wikipedia:

When he was appointed to the Supreme Court, Stevens was a registered Republican. Asked as a sitting Justice in September 2007 if he still considers himself a Republican, Stevens replied, “That’s the kind of issue I shouldn’t comment on, either in private or in public.”

Abner Mikva, a close friend, said that as a judge, Stevens refused to discuss politics. “He was more particular about it than a lot of them,” Mikva stated.

In 2018, Stevens told a Boca Raton crowd that Brett Kavanaugh’s performance during recent Senate hearings should disqualify him from the U.S. Supreme Court bench, citing the potential for political bias should he serve on the Supreme Court.

Yeah, that sure sounds like a ‘Republican’ to me. ‘Republicans’ like this is why we can never have nice things.

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