We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Rise of the New Mulatto Elite

14th February 2009

Steve Sailer isn’t afraid to point to things at which some would rather not have people pointing.

For a couple of years, I’ve been pointing out that because African-American culture has become so narrow and inward-looking, it’s now having a harder time producing high achievers outside of Officially Black fields such as basketball, football, and some forms of entertainment. Thus, the black race is increasingly represented at the top of many categories by half-black individuals (typically raised by white mothers or white maternal grandparents). Barack Obama is only the most obvious example of the rise of this New Mulatto Elite. (In contrast, the Old Mulatto Elite, such as Frederick Douglass and Booker T. Washington, generally had white ancestors in the paternal line.)

2 Responses to “Rise of the New Mulatto Elite”

  1. Parabellum Says:

    Bzzt, Not PC, can’t use the “M word” anymore.

    That said, I’m still waiting for someone, anyone on TV to call 0bama ‘half black’.

  2. Tim of Angle Says:

    If you’re looking for PC, you won’t find it here.
    I use a Mac….