We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Civility: What It Is and What It Is Not

3rd December 2018

If you watch any of the coverage of the funeral process for George H. W. Bush, you will note that the Big Theme is ‘civility’. Everybody is praising GHWB for his ‘civility’ and wringing their hands about the ‘lack of civility’ in modern American politics — and looking everywhere but at President Trump.

This is been a constant Democrat talking point ever since Trump became a candidate — how civility that used to be present in American politics has been flushed down the toilet by that boob in the White House — but those of us who remember the Clinton years remember the same meme being run around the track about Newt Gingrich and his posse. And of course it was a standard Democrat talking point about Reagan and Nixon.

If you unpack that talking point you realize that it all goes one way. The Democrat definition of ‘civility’ appears limited to Republicans saying nice things about Democrats. No Democrat ever criticizes another Democrat for lack of ‘civility’, although even the most casual glance at any newspaper or any DemLeghump Media outlet will reveal Democrats treating Republicans like used toilet paper on pretty much every occasion.

I don’t recall Maxine Waters, Elijah Cummings, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Dick Durbin, Elizabeth Warren, ‘Spartacus’ Booker, Looks-Like-A-White-Girl Kamala Harris, Moonbeam Brown, Rahm Emmanuel, or Hillary Clinton ever treating any Republican with ‘civility’. (If it ever happened, it would ipso facto be news.)

So this ‘civility’ schtick is just little Lucy whining ‘Mommmeeee! Johnny hit me back!’

Remember that whenever you hear a Democrat (or a RINO) clutch their pearls about ‘civility’. It’s just another psychological straightjacket that the Left is attempting to persuade the Right to don voluntarily. They know it’s BS, but they’re counting on their targets being stupid enough to buy it.

Kurt Schlichter appears to agree: The Only Good Republican Is A Dead Republican

The death of President George H. W. Bush provided liberals and their Fredocon houseboys yet another opportunity to lament the fact that all Republicans aren’t dead. Their feigned amnesia about what libs were saying while Bush 41 was still in the arena, and their latest hack attempt to tsk tsk tsk tsk about how the Bad Orange Man isn’t like [Insert Name of Dead Republican Here] serves to justify the prophylactic cynicism that we Normals should strive to cultivate.

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