Our Rotten Liberal Arts Colleges
29th November 2018
I have a hypothesis that I’ve not yet published anywhere, but it seems like the propitious time has arrived. My hypothesis is that while places like Berkeley, Colorado/Boulder, the University of Wisconsin, etc. have the rap for being the most politically correct and radical institutions of higher education, in fact they are relatively sane compared to small, elite private liberal arts colleges.
That ought not to be any surprise. Major liberal arts colleges skim off the cream of the PhD factory, and such people have to have a demonstrated commitment to scholarship along with any ideological baggage they’re carrying. The smaller colleges get the remnants, those who got their degrees by parroting radical gibberish rather than making an actual contribution to their field. By this point in the proglodyte ‘march through the institutions’, they have aged into control of their peripheral institutions and see nothing wrong with making them over into progressive re-education camps.
Alumni of liberal arts colleges should look closely before making donations. And no one should send their kids to Williams or Sarah Lawrence.
Good advice in any case.