We have seen the future, and it sucks.

What the Cult of Ruth Bader Ginsburg Got Wrong

25th November 2018

Mother Jones somehow let this article get published.

But Carmon, and others who’ve helped turn Ginsburg into a pop-culture icon, are deluding themselves. Ginsburg is a mere mortal. Falling down is the leading cause of accidental death in people over 85. The actuarial table is not in her favor. There’s a real possibility Ginsburg will not outlast the Trump administration or live long enough for a Democrat to replace her. The situation today is one many liberal lawyers feared years ago and worked hard to avert. But the feisty justice rebuffed them all, a decision that makes all the hero worship hard for some of us to stomach.

We anticipate a show trial and the public execution of Stephanie Mencimer any day now.

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