We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Letter to the CivNats

29th September 2018

ZMan lays it out.

That’s the lesson and the reason for this letter. The civic nationalists need to look at that circus on their television and know that is their future. The people who are rejecting due process and the presumption of innocence don’t look like you. They don’t sound like you. They don’t believe what you believe. More important, they don’t love what you love or hate what you hate. What they are willing to live and die for does not include you, because you don’t look like them or sound like them. You can never be on their side and they know it.

When you appeal to their sense of civic virtue, all you are doing is encouraging them to punch you in the face again. That’s because their civic virtue is not your civic virtue. It can never be otherwise. After decades of work to train blacks, for example, to embrace civic nationalism, they still cling to their own ideas and their own hatreds. It turns out that those racists you guys were always trying to run off were right after all. Civil society is a white man’s thing. It is not an idea. It is the result of white people living in their own lands.

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