We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Bill Gates Tries to Explain to NYT Readers Why It’s OK to Worry About African Population Growth

25th September 2018

Steve Sailer has some fun.

My impression has long been that Bill Gates is, deep down, the Protestant guy appalled by Irish Catholic fecundity in Monty Python’s Meaning of Life. But even if you are Bill Gates, you have to be worried about coming out and saying: There are going to be way too many black people if we don’t do something fast.

Earlier this week, Gates came out of the closet about how worried he is about African population growth in an interview with the UK Telegraph. But now he’s written an op-ed for the NYT that treats the subject so gingerly that most of the commenters don’t seem to have much of a clue what’s Gates is driving at.

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