We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Collectivism, Tribalism, and Paganism, oh my!

6th September 2018

Read it.

Modern leftists are, essentially, collectivists. I suppose it’s not surprising that collectivists would yearn for the last time that collectivism made any sense, which was when humans were tribal hunter-gatherers who were completely dependent on their chief and each other to survive. Sounds awful to me, but a collectivist might see such an existence as sort of romantic. Especially if they’re as deluded as Rouseau, who remarked on how healthy and fit all the Indians were, not realizing that anyone over 25 who was not in perfect health was unlikely to survive the next winter. So any primitive Native American that Rouseau was likely to encounter was likely to be extremely healthy. All the others were already dead. But those remaining were very healthy, presumably because they were so in touch with nature, right? It must be all the organic vegetables.

This would explain the apparent regressivist and reactionary viewpoint of most proglodytes. Planes and autos bad, trains and bicycles and walking good. Chemical fertilizers  bad, ‘organic’ good. Eating animals bad, eating vegetables good. Fast food bad, ‘paleo diet’ good. Machine-made bad, hand-made bad. If they could cancel the 20th century (and likely the 19th after steam power was discovered), they’d be all for it.

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