The ‘Whitening’ of Asian Americans
1st September 2018
This alignment of certain Asians with whites evokes historical instances of ethnic groups migrating from minority status to becoming part of the majority racial group. Sociologists have a name for this phenomenon: “whitening.” It refers to the way the white race has expanded over time to swallow up those previously considered non-whites, such as people of Irish, Italian, and Jewish heritage. In the next wave of whitening, some sociologists have theorized, Asians and Latinos could begin to vanish into whiteness, as some assimilate culturally into white norms and culture, and become treated and seen by whites as fellow whites. “The idea of who is white and which groups belong and don’t belong to it has been malleable and has changed. It is different across place and time,” Jonathan Warren, a University of Washington sociology professor who has written about whitening, told me.
Some are born white, others achieve whiteness, and yet others have whiteness thrust upon them.
The author accepts the Crustian trope that ‘whiteness’ is somehow a code word for ‘upper class’, which of course it is not; Irish and Italians were never considered ‘not white’ except in the fever dreams of SJWs. For an SJW sink color has nothing to do with the color of your skin but rather is an indicator of your ‘privilege’ — hence black people with the wrong opinions aren’t really black, and non-whitea who are successful like white people are actually functionally ‘white’. And this somehow justifies discriminating against them.