We have seen the future, and it sucks.

The Apotheosis of McCain

27th August 2018

Rush Limbaugh is having a great deal of fun this day playing sound bites of Democrats tongue-bathing McCain (now that he’s dead) in conjunction with what those same Democrats said about him (The New Hitler) when he dared to run for President against the Half-Blood Prince. Once he performed his Republican Duty by losing, he went back to being the war-hero darling of the DemLegHump Media. CNN’s Jake Tapper has admitted that the chief value of McCain’s death is that it provides them with a rhetorical stick with which to beat Trump.

Just as Doonesbury’s Reverend Scott Sloane was the Fighting Young Priest Who Can Talk to the Young, John McCain was the Maverick Republican Who Can Reach Across the Aisle. Like the other members of the RINO Fringe in the Senate, his function was to trash-talk his own party and provide bipartisan cover for whatever silly scheme Democrats had on their menu.


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