Ohio Race Just Got Closer After County Finds Hundreds of Uncounted Votes
9th August 2018
Isn’t it funny how close elections tend to turn up uncounted Democrat votes? (Yeah, I’m looking at YOU, Al Franken).
Can you remember any such case where the Republican candidate gained more than the Democrat from these Oh, look! votes?
I can’t.
August 9th, 2018 at 12:17
The dead seem to take extra long to fill out their ballots, and they do always vote Democrat because, well, their brains no longer function.
August 9th, 2018 at 12:39
According to Alyssa Milano, who has suddenly become an expert on gun control and politics, the election was hacked by the Russians because TRUMP! didn’t make any new laws to fix the election process. (Russian hackers and spies always obey American law, just like gang bangers and drug dealers obey our firearms laws.) So it’s entirely possible that many Republican votes are coming – it’s just that the mail from Moscow to Ohio is soooo slow.
Milano made a speech in Dallas during the NRA convention. The bus back to the hotel from the convention center went right by it and from what I could see she had more security than followers. Most of the convention attendees were disappointed as they expected to see anti-NRA demonstrators in the throngs reported by the news media. (Quote, from the local news: “A heavy turnout of protestors is expected for the NRA Convention, which starts tomorrow…”) I saw one protestor at the convention center on the second day and a lot of people posed for pictures with him to show the folks back home.
Has-been TV stars are experts in politics, media makes up the stories they report, the dead vote Democrat, no one in the Democratic Party can understand how Hillary lost or how the million$ she stole is dishonest, and D.B. Cooper is the last guy to enjoy an airline flight. Such is the dyspepsic world in which we live.