We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Staff Finds White House in the Technological Dark Ages

22nd January 2009

Read it.

An interesting article, but notice the not-so-hidden assumption: Unless you’re using the very latest black-turtleneck-and-pierced-body-parts technology, you’re living in the Dark Ages. Never mind that government technology, except in the military, is typically twenty years or so behind the “private sector”. The “six-year-old versions of Microsoft software” is XP, the same software most major corporations (including my employer) use.

Stuck in the next-to-last paragraph, however, is the most significant thing: ”

But there were no missing letters from the computer keyboards, as Bush officials had complained of during their transition in 2001.” So apparently the Bush administration doesn’t have the same proportion of arrested adolescents that the Clinton administration did.

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