We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Today in Trump Derangement Syndrome

24th May 2018

Stelter, Cupp: Trump Is Making the World a ‘Darker’ Place for Journalists  I certainly hope so.

West Hollywood grants porn star Stormy Daniels keys to the city to celebrate court battle with Donald Trump  Shouldn’t they have given it to her lawyer?

Trump’s strict travel policies causing America to ‘fall behind competitors’ in attracting tourists, US travel chief warns  Yeah, we really need more ‘tourists’ from places from which people come her to blow things up.

‘Morning Joe’: Trump Going After FBI ‘Simply Because He’s Been Caught’  Doing what? There’s no evidence that he’s been ‘caught’ at anything, much less anything illegal. Joe, you need to get out more.

By cancelling the summit with Kim Jong-un, Trump has put peace on the Korean Peninsula at risk – again  And what ‘peace’ would that be?

Bishop Who Presided Over Royal Wedding Marches Against Trump  Well, no, he didn’t preside over it; he was just an invited speaker. And ‘marching against Trump’ is what black people do these days, so it means nothing.

Environmentalists Sue Trump To Once Again Make It Illegal To Accidentally Kill An Eagle  Having good intentions only works as an excuse for proglodytes.

Hyperbolic Jiggery-Pokery: Lemon Warns Trump Has Caused ‘An Extreme Crisis’ in America

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