We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Today in Trump Derangement Syndrome

23rd May 2018

‘It’s Like London 1941’ — MSNBC Guest Compares Trump’s Criticism Of DOJ To Nazi Bombings

Chicken Little Talk: Chuck Todd Panics Over ‘Constitutional Crisis,’ ‘Fatal Distraction’ By Republicans

NYT Columnist Worries Mueller Investigation Actually Helping Trump  Oh, noes!

As Philip Roth dies, The Wire creator is adapting his Trump prescient book The Plot Against America  ‘Trump prescient’?

Donald Trump rolls back Obama law designed to prevent another credit crunch  Well, it’s not a ‘law’ because the President can’t ‘roll back’ a law; say, rather, that Trump has reversed another of Obama’s dictatorial decrees.

WaPo Columnist: Trump And Nunes Care More About Themselves Than The American People [VIDEO]

Trump Blocking Critics On Twitter Is Unconstitutional, Judge Rules

Chelsea Handler Wants To Know Why Twitter ‘Isn’t Blocking Trump’  Perhaps Twitter realizes that it would cause a shitstorm that they don’t really need at this point.

James Comey Lashes Out At Republicans: ‘Dangerous Time’ For America  Like being called ugly by a frog.

Smackdown: Jim Jordan Destroys Chris Cuomo Over Claims There’s ‘Tons of Proof’ of ‘Potential Collusion’  Collusion isn’t a crime. Potential collusion isn’t even a potential crime.

West Hollywood to grant Stormy Daniels key to the city for her ‘resistance’ against Trump  At $130,000, ‘resistance’ pays pretty well. Where do I sign up?

Did Ukraine bribe its way into the White House?

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