We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Civil War on the Left, Part 56: Diversity for Thee, But Not for Me

27th April 2018

Read it.

One of the things you can always count on from liberals is that their earnest care about the poor and disadvantaged always ends when policies to alleviate inequality might affect them. Like this story from the Wall Street Journal today about how parents on the Upper West Side of Manhattan (it hardly gets any more correctly liberal than the Upper West Side) object to a plan to admit student with—gasp! lower test scores!—to the schools where they send their own kids:

Parents Worry About Diversity Plan for Some Manhattan Middle Schools

A New York City proposal to diversify middle schools on Manhattan’s Upper West Side, by setting aside seats for children with low test scores, is facing stiff resistance from parents worried their high-achieving children might lose access to the popular public schools.

The Department of Education has proposed one scenario in which most middle schools in District 3 would give priority, for up to 25% of their seats, to applicants who had fourth-grade scores below grade level on state tests of reading and math. . . some parents argue their high-performing children shouldn’t be edged out. At a heated public meeting Tuesday, filmed by NY1 at P.S. 199, many parents were upset.

Do tell. “We didn’t mean diversity for us! It’s only supposed to be for those icky deplorable working class people in Ohio.”

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