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REPORT: Brazilian Women Are Trying to Get Impregnated by Sperm From White American Men

22nd March 2018

Read it.

Brazilian women want to be impregnated from the sperm of white American men, according to a report from the Wall Street Journal Thursday.

Wealthy Brazilian women and lesbian couples are requesting white male sperm from the U.S. so their kids will have more Caucasian features, the Wall Street Journal reported.

At least 50 percent of Brazil’s population is black or mixed-race, but women are selecting young sperm donors who will more likely produce children with blond hair and blue eyes. The number of American sperm donors to Brazil surged at least 3,000 percent in the past seven years. It is also illegal to pay men for their sperm in Brazil, which allows American donors more opportunity in the market.

White supremacy on the cheap. Women and minorities hardest hit, etc. etc. CNN might report on this, assuming that they can ever tear their attention from the Trump red dot.

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