We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Today in Trump Derangement Syndrome

19th March 2018

Colbert’s Anti-Trump Cartoon Mocks: ‘Pence Is So Poor, He Believes in God’  One would hope all these TV personalities who wouldn’t have a career without Trump to bash at least send him a fruit basket for Christmas or something.

John Oliver releases children’s book about Mike Pence’s gay rabbit  Makes you wonder what these people would do if they actually had to work for a living.

Trump’s Anti-Speech Agenda Gets a Boost From the Left: New at Reason  tReason magazine specializes in being wrong from both directions.

The truth behind Donald Trump’s error-filled tweets on Russia election ‘meddling’  What are the odds of a British newspaperman knowing ‘the truth’ about anything having go do with Trump?

People think Donald Trump talks more rubbish than any other celebrity  What ‘people’ are those? Why, the handful we talked to on the way to the office this morning. That’s always been recognized as statistically significant.

Opioid crisis: Donald Trump’s call for death penalty in drug dealing cases dubbed ‘cynical’  By whom? They never get around to saying.

Stephanie Ruhle Accuses Sean Hannity Of Dark Agenda After Mocking His Appearance On ‘Fox & Friends’  As if they didn’t have an opposite agenda.


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