We have seen the future, and it sucks.

California Union Bosses Ignore SCOTUS, Steal Money from Seriously Ill

25th January 2018

Read it.

Despite a Supreme Court decision banning their behavior, unions in 11 states continue to engage in one of the most predatory practices they have ever conceived. In a process known as dues skimming, some states allow union bosses to automatically confiscate funds from Medicaid checks intended for patients whose primary caregiver is a direct family member, often without the patient or caregiver even being aware that they are losing money.

While in theory, these dues are designed to represent caregivers who are employees of the state, they are certainly not being spent in collective bargaining agreements for people who care for their elderly parents or in legal fees defending caregivers in lawsuits brought by their dependent children. Instead, this process merely takes funds from needy patients on Medicaid and redirects it to union bosses, who, in turn, spend tens of millions of dollars in campaign contributions every election cycle in order to maintain their power.

Union bosses are invariably, as you might expect, Democrats.

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