We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Today in Trump Derangement Syndrome

3rd December 2017

Trump faces obstruction of justice claims over Flynn tweet as critic suggests it should ‘end presidency’  Still clutching at that Final Strawman.

Operative Offered Trump Campaign ‘Kremlin Connection’ Using NRA Ties  Yeah, the NRA is widely known for its Kremlin Connections. Pull the other one.

Donald Trump’s lawyer ‘wrote incriminating tweet implying President knew Michael Flynn lied to FBI’ – claims  There’s no evidence, of course, and even if true it’s not actually ‘incriminating’, but hey — TRUMP!

Feinstein: Obstruction Of Justice Case Being Built Against Trump  All of this clutching at straws is the Democrat playbook move of talking up a delusional thing that comes to look more and more reasonable because of all of the people yakking about it.

When the President of the US decides to wilfully incriminate himself in a tweet, we’re better off without him as an ally  ‘Wilfully incriminate himself in a tweet’ is an obvious fantasy based on a tendentious misinterpretation of Trump’s tweet, which is completely innocuous. But proglodytes see it when they believe it.

Tech workers flee US, blame Trump  And why not? Any day now I expect the headline ‘Hipsters throw themselves into the sea, blame Trump’.

Senate considering obstruction of justice charges against Donald Trump, senior Democrat says  No, the Senate is not, because the Senate is controlled by Republicans and the only people in the Senate with obstruction-of-justice-charges on the brain are Democrats.

Jason Kenney Is Another Donald Trump, Says Alberta Premier  You should be so lucky.

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