We have seen the future, and it sucks.

War of the Classes

23rd August 2017

Steve Sailer connects the dots.

Rewriting the past to help disinherit the powerless by demeaning their ancestors is an ancient practice currently growing in popularity. For example, this summer in Madison and Boston, government officials have obliterated or covered up grave markers commemorating prisoners of war who died in captivity.

This is justified as punching up against white supremacy. After all, who is more powerful than a dead POW?

Why are politicians today going out of their way to disrespect Confederate soldiers who died in Union prison camps more than 150 years ago? Because they can. Because this kind of vandalism is a classic turf-marking exercise understood by even the dimmest juvenile delinquents. Because desecration of memorials to the dead signifies that their living heirs are vulnerable to rapacity.

One Response to “War of the Classes”

  1. Elganned Says:

    Any and all monuments to traitors should be taken down, however they died.
    Leave the graves alone, but the statues have to go.