We have seen the future, and it sucks.

The Eclipse Is Racist Because It Fails to Affect Enough Black People, the Atlantic Suggests

20th August 2017

Read it.

The Atlantic, a once-great magazine, has determined that the total eclipse of the sun due to occur on Monday will fail to affect enough black people.

The Atlantic’s very lengthy essay on the failure of the eclipse to occur where a sufficient number of black people reside is entitled “American Blackout.” It clocks in at a remarkable 4,544 words and does not appear to be satire.

If it were National Review, or some other right-wing publication, it would almost certainly be satire.

But The Atlantic is far from being a right-wing publication, and is not known for satirizing SJW twitches.

2 Responses to “The Eclipse Is Racist Because It Fails to Affect Enough Black People, the Atlantic Suggests”

  1. Elganned Says:

    Having read the Atlantic article, it doesn’t say or imply what the right-wing rag you link to claims that it says or implies.
    It explores a phenomenon; it does not castigate said phenomenon.

    More of the infantile and specious twisting of the news to disparage those who hold different viewpoints.

    It’s all about the Narrative, Larry.

  2. Tim of Angle Says:

    If you had ever demonstrated any capacity to understand what you read, I’d bother to reply. But you haven’t, so I won’t.