New Hampshire Law: It’s a Person at 20 Weeks, Unless You Want to Abort It
23rd June 2017
The New Hampshire Senate passed a bill ruling you can freely kill your own child but will get charged with murder if you kill someone else’s kid.
Perhaps the next step is that you can sell kids into slavery as long as they are your own kids.
June 24th, 2017 at 10:10
Since according to conservative thought children are the property of their parents, that’s not such a bad idea.
June 24th, 2017 at 18:20
I see your knowledge of ‘conservative thought’ is as defective as your knowledge of history and economics. Nice to see that sort of consistency.
Since according to liberal thought children are the property of the State, I can see where you would object to it.
June 24th, 2017 at 21:14
*shrug* I only know as much of “conservative thought” as you and your fellow travelers have chosen to show me.
And why should I object to it? My kids are all grown and gone. Had I known I could have gotten some cash for them…well…
June 25th, 2017 at 16:47
Actually, you know even less than that, and most of what you ‘know’ ain’t so. Your world-view is composed of bleeding-heart fantasies and utopian fairy-tales imbibed from Bad Companions In Your Youth, and kept fresh by confirmation bias from a steady diet of DemLegHump Media. Case in point: Your righteous indignation about Trump as Liar in Chief with no trace of shame for all of the lies told by Obama and his Democrat supporting cast from the time he weaseled his way into the Senate until the time he took a victory lap over to his new mansion in Georgetown. You could drop Trump into the lies told by Chuck Schumer over the years and he would sink without a trace. You’re nothing but a Lefty true believer who wouldn’t know a fact from your left foot without an MSNBC stamp on it.