We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Self-Hatred and Transgender Suicide

3rd June 2017

The Other McCain turns over a rock.

Not long ago, my friend Cynthia Yockey and I were discussing the transgender cult when she rather casually said something that struck me as profound: Transgenderism is a sort of suicide, involving the destruction of a hated self. She just threw that idea out in the midst of our phone conversation, but after the call was over, the truth of what she had said stuck with me. After all, what is more basic to our sense of self than being either male or female? And somewhere in the bizarre psychology of transgenderism there must be a profound alienation from the patient’s authentic self. Life is tough, and anyone might become discouraged by a sense of failure, but it takes an extreme kind of discouragement to feel you are so hopelessly doomed as a male that you could improve your life by discarding yourself, so to speak, and becoming an artificial simulacrum of a female (or vice-versa). Indeed, this is a sort of suicide, and yet one of the arguments most often heard from transgender activists is to blame the high suicide rate among transgender people on their opponents. This idea — that transgender “treatment” is the only alternative to suicide — is quite frequently used to promote “acceptance” of transgenderism among children. This is simply emotional blackmail.

The reason proglodytes are so invested in the whole ‘transgender’ thing is because their belief system is based on the notion that humans are perfectible, and therefore anything that smacks of ‘no, you can’t change this’ is something that would destroy the cornerstone of the Narrative, hence is CrimeThink.

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