We have seen the future, and it sucks.

The Chicken Little Democrats

2nd June 2017

The Other McCain has seen it all before.

This over-the-top reaction is indicative of how the Democrats and their media allies have become heavily invested in “climate change” as a crisis requiring government action. Having lived long enough to remember many previous examples of this liberal crisis-mongering behavior — e.g., Paul Ehrlich and The Population Bomb — I have good reason to be skeptical of alarmist “climate change” rhetoric. One reason young people are so easily convinced to vote Democrat is that young people haven’t had enough experience to acquire this kind of skepticism. Only after you have spent decades watching liberals gin up fears of a “crisis” (which they then exploit as an excuse to elect Democrats) do you recognize the familiar pattern Thomas Sowell describes in his book The Vision of the Anointed.

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